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    Timed Override for Blocked Website
    4 years agoopen0
    For a blocked URL, allow user to unblock specified URL for 1, 2, 3, etc hours, days, weeks by entering a one-time passcode (OTP) sent to email on file. This would be an easy way for a mom to buy underRead more…
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    List all blocked websites for each category
    4 years agoopen0
    I wish there was a view where I could drill down and view all the websites blocked by a specific category. For example, it would be nice to know if I click on block Social Media, which sites will Read more…
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    Short Christian based message instead of blank page
    3 years agoopen1
    If someone tries to access porn send them to a page that will help with that issue. The same with other issues but to a page that just with that issue.
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    Step by Step guide for onboarding
    4 years agoopen0
    IT would be nice to have a step 1, step 2. For the onboarding experience. Even if those steps could be bypassed. Just creating a first time logged in area with the different steps, some optional some Read more…
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    Easier Choosing of profiles
    4 years agoopen0
    This is just a quick stab at my take on what I feel would look and work better. After logging in present the user with which profile they would like to work with.
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    Site to consider to block
    4 years agoopen0
    LGBT https://www.ellgeebe.com/
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    Free Trial
    3 years agoopen0
    Free Trial of Premium features.
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    multiple dns ip
    3 years agoopen0
    Evaluating your service. One feature I use with existing filter service is the availability of addition dns ip addresses to support multiple profiles from a single ip. For instance, I have a homRead more…
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    DoH client
    3 years agoopen0
    A DoH cluent for windows and android would be very useful for roaming ability. Not all support direct configuration of secure dns DoH or DoT. Agents would also be more user friendly.
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    Explicit Category Enable
    3 years agoopen0
    It would be useful to specifically enable a category such that is a broader block category is selected, I may enabled a specific sub-category. For example, I want to block ‘social media’ but enableRead more…
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    More information on blockpage
    3 years agoopen0
    Users often send screenshots of the blockpage for issues. If blockpage could include additional info aboutbthe block such as the domain and block reason this would be very useful.
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    Add startpage.com to DNS
    2 years agoopen0
    I use startpage as a search engine but can not access it when using freefiltering.org. I have tried to whitelist it but to no avail. I always see the error that the DNS can’t resolve it.
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    Oceanic DNS Server
    2 years agoopen0
    Hello. Pinging the freefiltering DNS records here in Australia gives me a ping of 244ms. Other DNS providers I typically get 25ms. Is there any way to reduce this?
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    how to get the word out
    2 years agoopen0
    advertise in local newspapers and community magazines such as Best Version Media’s family-based magazines.
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    math australia
    2 years agoopen0
    what was your contact with a fabulouse math curricula in Australia mathcpt.com or cptmath.com??
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    LBGT content getting through
    1 year agoopen0
    Tested the filtering out today and pride.com and other gay sites are getting through the filter.
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    Safe search settings keep resetting
    3 weeks agoopen0
    I have safe search settings turned off, but every couple of weeks, I find that my search engines are blocked (google, brave, duckduckgo). The only fix I’ve found is if I go into my settings, turn safRead more…
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    Easier to understand settings page
    4 years agoopen0
    This is just a quick stab at my take on what I feel would look and work better.
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    Blacklist/Whitelist Ordering
    4 years agocompleted0
    List the blacklists and whitelists in order of most-recently entered. Therefore, when you enter a new domain into the blacklist, for example, and press ENTER, that domain should appear at the top of tRead more…
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    Map devices to "profiles"
    4 years agoopen0
    It would be amazing if I had a list of all the devices on my network and I could map each device to a specific profile. Example: I can see a list of all devices connected to my wifi. I can locatRead more…
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    VPN Service
    4 years agoopen1
    Add VPN service to Premium plan for users who want enhanced privacy protection for their family’s online activities.
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    Test page
    4 years agoapproved1
    Provide a simple webpage that works before the filtering is applied and is blocked by the filter for simple operational tests.
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    Search engine blacklist key words
    4 years agoopen1
    Create a list of words or phrases that can be deny search. Google and Bing strict filter does not quite meet our definition of strict and would like to add to it.
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    Activity Logs / Browsing History
    4 years agocompleted0
    1. In dashboard, show log of all DNS requests for the current day. Daily log displayed should include: (a) date & time of request in time zone of user, (b) domain, (c) whether request was alRead more…
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    Filtering Continuity (Dynamic IP Changes)
    4 years agoapproved0
    Ensure that filtering continues even when the IP address for an account changes. Perhaps detect when no activity received from registered IP address & automatically email user to request they log-in tRead more…
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    Parental Lock DNS on Mobile Devices
    4 years agoopen2
    How can we (EASILY for the end user) extend the family’s filtering settings to any Android or iPhone device used by members of the household? Could we have an Android/iPhone app that automatically keeRead more…
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    Multiple Filtering Profiles per Family
    4 years agocompleted0
    Allow for user to create additional profiles in their account that can have different policies for different sets of devices. For example, the policy created upon user registration will be “default”. Read more…
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    Block All Websites Except Those Specifically Allowed
    4 years agoopen0
    Some parents may want to block all domains except those on their whitelist. This feature probably makes sense only when the functionality for separate profiles is available. In turn, it probably doesnRead more…
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    YouTube Restricted Mode
    4 years agocompleted0
    Enforce YouTube “Restricted Mode” – enable user to choose level of restriction they want for particular profiles or devices (moderate or strict).
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    Enforce Safe Search on Search Engines
    4 years agocompleted0
    This feature should be turned on by default for new users. When turned ON, all search engines should be blocked except those where we can enforce “safe search”. Some of the search engines might havRead more…
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    Master Category Blocklist / Whitelist
    4 years agocompleted0
    Not sure how this will work exactly. But let’s say that I don’t agree with the classification of a specific URL. For example, suppose that PlannedParenthood.org does not automatically get classified iRead more…
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    Alert Parent if No DNS Requests
    4 years agoapproved0
    Does this make the most sense as a new Premium feature? Alert parents when filters are not working or circumvented for a specified amount of time.  For example, let’s say I’ve got a specific set ofRead more…
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    Normal online web chat
    3 weeks agoopen0
    Could you please restore regular online chat? It seems that the only way to chat now is through what’s app, or Instagram. I’m not a social media person, and I don’t want to sign up for those apps, jRead more…