Multiple Filtering Profiles per Family

Allow for user to create additional profiles in their account that can have different policies for different sets of devices. For example, the policy created upon user registration will be “default”. Perhaps the parent sets this up as the policy that will govern the youngest children. This policy will use DNS servers and The parent creates a new policy for children ages 12 to 18 (perhaps specific social media platforms will be allowed on this profile) with a unique name. This policy will use DNS servers and

I doubt the typical household will want more than 2 separate profiles (default + custom name 1), but perhaps a family will need 3-4?

Perhaps this feature only makes sense if apps are developed for iOS, Windows, Mac first? The purpose of these apps would be to:
a) change DNS easily on differing devices (for dummies)
b) alert parents when it is not working or circumvented.(See screenshot)

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