Schedule a FREE  Zoom consultation with one of our Experts.
  Your Expert will ask specific questions to determine the best way to set up the filters for your specific situation.  For example…


1)  How many family members / devices connect to Wi-Fi?

2)  Is it possible to make the necessary adjustment to your router?

3)  Is it better to set up the filters on individual devices instead?


Then, your Expert will:

1)  Answer all your questions about our filters.

2)  Set up the filters for you (if you choose).

3)  Direct you to the best self-help resources to get set up yourself.


Select a date & time below before our schedule fills up.  Please DO NOT book a time unless you intend to show up for the Zoom.  (When you book a time, we set aside time on our busy schedule just for you.)  You will receive instructions for joining the Zoom meeting via email.  We look forward to chatting!


In Christ the Victor,
Michael Lee Mason





P.S. If you want to explore self-help options for getting set up on your own, click the red button below the calendar.